The service in which I engaged during the spring and summer of 2017 is outlined below, with supporting materials provided where necessary. To be clear, I believe the common theme between each of these service elements is the people - not what they create or their value relative to my own agenda. My growing sense of service at the university hinges on the people-developing side. And I am proud to say that.

Madison and I "working"... 

SURF Mentor

While my role as a SURF mentor certainly represents a commitment to advancing educational research, it is also indicative of my desire to serve students, the university and its programs. My service within the SURF program took many forms - meeting with Madison at school, meeting with her in the Twin Cities, Skyping and FaceTiming when she was in Australia, helping her conduct pilot survey, coding research, data analysis and best-practice presentation methods. Like most service, it was an incredibly rewarding experience - one that I am looking forward to engage in again soon.

Click to view presentation

Click to view presentation

PETL Facilitator

By the request of Dr. Monica Roth Day, and in the service of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, I facilitated a session titled, "Threads of Consistency: Philosophy, Feedback and Expectations" as part of the Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Learning (PETL) series. The presentation focused on aligning course assignments/assessments with one's own pedagogical philosophies to create a culture of consistency for students. It was well received, and I have been asked to give the presentation twice more since the initial session. The presentation can be viewed by clicking the image at right.

Click to view PIP template

Click to view PIP template

Professional Improvement Plan Developer and Liaison

In the spring of 2017, as a service to the Educational Leadership Department, I developed what is now known as the "Professional Improvement Plan" for students with dispositional concerns (as identified by the formal process outlined in our Student Teaching Handbook). The final produce/template is provided at right. In addition to developing the plan template, I am currently acting as the department's first "Professional Improvement Plan Liaison" - the details of which are outlined in the plan itself.

Hive Night Volunteer

On multiple occasions in the past year, I participated as a Hive Night volunteer, coordinated by the Residence Life office. I worked with Michelle Stricker and Harry Anderson to not only pass out cookies to students in the residence halls, but also work as an ambassador of the Educational Leadership - connecting with students in our program and advocating for undecided students to consider us as their major of choice.

Session Chair and Discussant, 13th Annual Senior Thesis Conference (UW-Superior History Program)

By the request of the Social Inquiry department, I served as Session Chair and Discussant for the 13th Annual UW-Superior History program Senior Thesis Conference, which serves as a Senior Capstone. In that role, I facilitated the conference, provided written evaluations, and offered my remarks on the content of the presentations prior to a time of discussion with the panelists. It was an amazing night of celebrating our students, affirming their hard work, and sending them off to do great things.